The Company


The company’s unique competence in the areas of design and lifestyle from Jonas Ericsson’s work within the retail industry makes it possible to offer solutions on different levels by indicating the opportunities that are available within the clients own frameworks. Significant for the company is to offer the clients simple and easy to understand solutions for situations that can come up in a business, yet with a professional attention and focus. The ”guru” we have in the company is Mr Richard Normann who wrote, to mention one, ”Reframing Business: When the Map Changes the Landscape”. Mr Normann’s perspectives and wise ideas has given us a wide and deep view over how a business can, and should, think in their work to create value for the customer.

To “de-dramatize” entrepreneurship is a very important topic for the company in the mission to make more people daring and to like the idea of taking care of their own ideas in best possible way.

Put together, this unique competence of experience and  academical knowledge combined with a broad and genuine network within relevant areas gives Jonas Ericsson Generating AB a strong competitive advantage which will generate satisfied and sustainable clients.

”The company’s goal is to become the business advisor that small and medium enterprises, within the lifestyle sector of the creative industry, prefer to use in their work to   move forward with the business idea ”

Help our clients to create their own success

”The company shall be the tool to reach further and to earn more money

Jonas Ericsson Generating AB’s unika kompetens inom design och livsstilssektorn erbjuder kunden lösningar på olika nivåer genom att visa på de möjligheter som finns inom dess egna ramar. Det som är signifikant för bolaget är att erbjuda kunden enkla och lättbegripliga lösningar på uppkomna situationer. Likväl att avdramatisera entreprenörskapet så att fler vågar och vill ta hand om sina idéer på bästa möjliga vis.

Sammanslaget ger den här unika kompetensen av erfarenhet och akademiska kunskaper tillsammans med ett brett och gediget nätverk inom relevanta områden, företaget Jonas Ericsson Generating AB, en stark konkurrensfördel som ska generera en långsiktig och hållbar lönsamhet för sina kunder.